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From Sketch to Live

13. März 2017, 15.30 Uhr Interface Culture Lecture Room, Domgasse 1, 3.OG

Introduction of Livecoding

Interface Cultures lädt zum Gastvortrag von Atsushi Tadokoro im Rahmen der Interface Lectures Series.

So-called creative coding environments such as Processing and OpenFrameworks arecreated as "sketch" metaphors. In the past few years, the movement called "Livecoding" has been expanding, further promoting the concept of sketching, and coding "live" while executing the program. In this lecture we will explain the short history of live coding and also explain my own work.

Atsushi Tadokoro
is a creative coder. Currently teaching as a part-time lecturer at Tama ArtUniversity, Tokyo University of the Arts and Tokyo University of Technology, Keio University in Japan. Tadokoro makes music works of sound synthesis using an algorithm, and performs improvisation with sounds and moving-images by a laptop. His lectures about "creative coding "for open Frameworks, Processing, Arduino, Pure Data and Super Collider etc. are online
(http://yoppa.org/) to be practically used for students and creators.

Atsushi Tadokoro