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Immaterial / Re-material: A Brief History of Computing Art

26. Okt. 2020 bis 17. Jänner 2021 UCCA Center for Contemporary Art, Beijing, China

Christa Sommerer und Laurent Mignonneau, Interface Cultures, zeigen ihre Interaktive Installation "Homo Insectus".

UCCA presents "Immaterial / Re-material", a group exhibition tracing the history, present, and future of computing art through more than 70 artworks by more than 30 artists from around the world, ranging from the pioneers of the 1960s to today’s emerging voices.

curated by Jérôme Neutres

The new work "Homo Insectus" ©2020, by Laurent Mignonneau and Christa Sommerer, it is part of the Ullens Foundation Collection.


Homo Insectus, Interactive installation, 2020