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Marcus Bastos

On transmission: editing the audiovisual presence 10. Jänner 2017

Interface Cultures lädt zum Gastvortrag von Marcus Bastos im Rahmen der Interface Lectures Series.

The concept of presence has undergone drastic changes on the last decades, being dissociated from bodily proximity. As years went by, the process of converting images or sounds to codified models that allow their transmission — resulting in the broadcasting systems that erected mass culture, as well as the digital networks that supposedly outdated then — reached unprecedented levels, producing the sensation of a society driven by instantaneity. By discussing recent live performance projects that explore aesthetic possibilities emerging as a result of this liveness effect, the talk will discuss both how the process happened and critical perspectives of its outcomes, prospecting how artistic projects could explore temporalities that tackle alternative rhythms, on times of supervelocity.

Marcus Bastos
Is visiting researcher at Humboldt University, where he develops the “algorithmic liveness: editing the audiovisual presence project”. Based in São Paulo, he works at PUC-SP and USP. www.eventualidades.net/bio
