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"Myron did it first" – Does Nintendo do it better?

13. Dezember 2012, 18.00 Uhr Kunstuniversität Linz, Audimax, Kollegiumgasse 2, 1.OG

Vortrag von PD Dr. Katja Kwastek im Rahmen der Interface Cultures Invited Lectures Series.

In the 1970s Myron Krueger created 'Videoplace', a system that could detect recipient's movements and react to them via computer graphics. About 25 years later, Nintendo presented the Wii Console, followed by the Microsoft Kinect System. Both are ultimately based on ideas which have already guided Kruegers invention. But while Kruegers interactive system was received only by a small community of media (art) practitioners, these game consoles have sold millions of times. This talk investigates the complex relations between artistic and commercial media inventions – because the case of Myron Krueger is far from being unique.

PD Dr. Katja Kwastek
is an art historian with a focus on contemporary art and new media art.
From 2006 to 2009 she worked at the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute Media.Art.Research. in Linz. Most recently, she was Visiting Professor at the Institut für Kunst- und Bildgeschichte at Humboldt-University, Berlin.
Currently, she is teaching at the Paris-Lodron University, Salzburg.
Her publications include “Aesthetics of Interaction in Digital Art" (forthcoming, MIT Press, 2013), and “Ohne Schnur. Art and Wireless Communication” (Revolver, 2004).
