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POKING REALITY - New media on the scene

MO, 24. Juni 2013, 14.00 Uhr IC Lecture Room, Kollegiumgasse 2

Interface Cultures lädt zum Vortrag von Timm Wilks, einem Absolventen dieser Studienrichtung.

From concept to event, from paper to the grandMA – close to reality we’ll have an insight into the elaboration and development of Live-Communication.

Thereby hardly a field remains untouched: TVC, Websites, Viral, 3D Mappings, Technology, Architecture – no other discipline is as widely spread.

Starting with the budget distribution on client side, we’ll have a closer look at all phases of a commercial project.  Therefore we will not only consider the strategies, planning and technology – but also at the work of every single person, standing behind.

Timm Wilks
is a former student of the University of Art and Design in Linz and currently head of the Design Department at ZIBERT+FRIENDS in Munich.

For international clients, like Telefonica, BMW, Volkswagen and Lamborghini he creates the communication on the scene – a field combining architecture, media and technology.