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Tail Collection

20. März 2011 Utrecht, Niederlande

Ricardo Nascimento, Interface Cultures Absolvent, zeigt seine Arbeit "Parangonet 1.0:sonic dimension".
Die Arbeit entstand gemeinsam mit Jader Scalzaretto und wir diesmal performed von Ingrid Berger.

Tail Collection is a newly established international Amsterdam based improvisation collective. Founded in November 2010, the group arose out of a genuine shared interest in studying dance improvisation as a means and basic ground for performance.

Parangonet 1.0: sonic dimension
is composed by 2 wearable sculptures that, through its movement in space, create and broadcast sound samples that reefer to the brazilian artistic movement called “Tropicalismo” (tropicalism in english). Each garment is able to trigger and modify a different sound input. When performed together they create a sonic atmosphere that represents the cultural agglutination, presented on the sound atmosphere, proposed by the tropicalists, transposing its fundamental concept to our days.

This piece is strongly inspired by the work “Parangolé” from the brazilian artist Hélio Oiticica and aims to make a review of this artwork and bring its concept to our time, using technology to raise new poetic possibilities.


Parangonet 1.0: sonic dimension © Ricardo Nascimento