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The Secret Life of Algorithms

22. März 2023, 11.00 bis 14.00 Uhr Interface Cultures Kitchen

Im Rahmen des OPEN DAY 2023 lädt Interface Cultures zur Brunch Lecture von Marta Pérez-Campos.

Many project ideas from students at Interface Cultures have their origins in the kitchen. Eating together seems to promote creativity and that’s why we decided to offer a brunch lecture for the Open Day this year. During the lecture everyone is invited to exchange ideas.

Marta Pérez-Campos is currently writing her PhD on the artistic, sociopolitical and pedagogical implications of algorithms. Some of her research questions are: is code poetry something more than an aesthetic use of algorithms? May programming languages and algorithms be used in an experimental way to learn more about the inner workings of a computer? By talking about some of her recent projects and workshops she will discuss the relationship of her current research with the expanded idea of algorithm.

Brunch Lecture Marta Pérez-Campos, 2023