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All Eyes on You!

Opening: March 8, 2024, 7 p.m.; exhibition until April 25, 2024 KUNSToffizin Linz, Graben 6 / Kollegiumgasse 5, 4020 Linz

Gerhard Umhaller, former Prof. of Visual Communication, Department of Photography, invites you to the exhibition.

Gerhard UMHALLER, photography
Ruth UMHALLER, collage, drawing
Michael VONBANK, drawing

Speaking about the exhibition: Dr. Peter Assmann, KUNSToffizin.Linz

ALL EYES ON YOU Eyes are as fascinating as they are precious, they permeably show the views and insights of their owners through their cheeky, insistent, anxious, mocking, dreamy or admiring gazes.
Just as the reduced image first lands on the retina and is only turned around in the brain, the meaning of the images is only created "in the eyes" of the viewer. Visitors are thus actively involved in the overall narrative of the exhibition, which reflects on proximity and distance, identity and reality, fiction and reality of seeing.

05.4.2024 | 19.00
Talk with Beate Sprenger (Estate Michael Vonbank)
Reading: Texts by Michael Vonbank

11.4.2024 | 19.00 Artist talk with Ruth Umhaller

25.4.2024 | 19.00 Artist talk with Gerhard Umhaller

Opening hours: Thurs. and Fri., 10 am - 6 pm and by appointment

www.pete r-assmann.com