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Foundation courses

We are offering foundation courses before the start of SHUTTLE. These courses are aimed at participants who would like to refresh their knowledge and for those participants who have not covered some of the basic material in their previous education or job experience. The applicant must be able to prove their competence in these subjects and has the chance to fulfill these requirements by attending the foundation courses. Depending on which previous education the participant has, can all, some or none of these subjects be covered.

Date/subjects/tutor (only available in German)
17. bis 18. September 2016 / Grundlagen Textile Materialkunde / Elisabeth Stötzler
24. bis 25. September 2016  / Grundlagen der Bindungslehre / Ulrike Alps
20. bis 21. Mai 2017 / Grundlagen der Gestaltungslehre / Cornelia Feyll
17. bis 18. Juni 2017 / Grundlagen der Maschinenkunde u. Steuerungstechnik / Ing. Erich Hetzmannseder

Course time
Sa 09.00 to 13.00 and 14.30 to 19.30,
Su 09.00 to 12.00 (16 Units)

Course fee
€ 215,--

Textile Centre Haslach, Stahlmühle 4, 4170 Haslach, Austria

Application per mail: shuttle@kunstuni-linz.at or by phone: +43 (0) 676 84 7898 383

em. O.Univ. Prof. Mag.art. Margareta Petrascheck-Persson

Conception und Strategy
Mag.art. Christina. Leitner

Martina Lehner

Kunstuniversität Linz
Hauptplatz 8
4020 Linz | Austria
und Textile Centre Haslach
Phone: +43 (0)7289 72300