Baukultur phenomena comprise a visible exterior, embedded within invisible networks of infrastructure, data, financial movements, decision-making structures and interests. Baukultur is engaged in future design. Research, educational and mediation activities at the University of Arts Linz aim to explore discussions of values and role-plays reflecting the socio-cultural and eco-material effects of the built environment.
Debate and cooperation within the regions and the city will be closely linked to teaching through applied research. The aim is to familiarize students with the qualities, requirements and obstacles of Baukultur, since Baukultur is not harmless; probably the conflicts of interest are greater than the commonalities. The technological backwardness of building production, such as the popular external thermal insulation composite system (ETICS), as well as the democratic deficiencies in spatial decision-making processes, such as dubious rezoning across Austria, will be tackled directly.
“Nothing will save us, and certainly not danger. Success will depend solely on our ability to seize the opportunities that arise.”
Bruno Latour and Nikolaj Schultz
(english translation, E. Trummer, 2024)
Baukultur is a matter of observation - by shifting the perspective, surprising possibilities become visible; we focus on the interaction among all stakeholders. Continuities, inconsistencies and transitions are analyzed and reflected upon in various stages of the planning process, from the initial wishes and conceptualization through to the longstanding janitor. How many roles does a protagonist have? What tools and processes are available to the players? What are their relationships?
Baukultur is a Res Publica, a task of interest and importance concerning the public as a whole, as it mediates between several social functional systems that do not communicate directly with each other. No direct bridges link politics, aesthetics, law, economics, science and religion. Beauty, truth, justice and profit are uncompatible mediators. It requires structural relationships that may be adequate or inadequate. The aim of the Professorship of Baukultur is to encourage these processes through performative approaches on the basis of selected case studies in urban and rural environments. Dipl.-Ing. Heidi Pretterhofer and
Univ.-Prof. Arch. Dipl.-Ing. Michael Rieper Helene Schauer
Petra Stumbauer
Sabine Fehringer
MO to DO 08.00 to 16.00
T: +43 (0)732 7898 242
University of Arts Linz
Institute Space and Design
Department die architektur
Hauptplatz 6, 4th floor
4020 Linz | Austria
Baukultur FAHRPLAN.pdf
Wer sorgt für raumplanerische, städtebauliche, architektonische, baukulturelle, nachhaltige, soziale, ökonomische und ökologische Qualitäten in Stadt und Land?
Baukultur FOLDER.pdf
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