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Master's program
Angela Pressler

Master Programme Sculptural Conceptions / Ceramic

In the Master's degree program in Sculptural Conceptions / Ceramic, graduates of the Bachelor's program of the same name continue their artistic development with a different objective. In the Bachelor's degree course, students become aware of the potential of their own artistic practice by realizing and reflecting on projects. In the Master's program, students are given space to deepen their practice and develop their own artistic approach. In addition, the ability to reflect on their own work is honed through a wide range of theory courses. In the study are a professionalization provides an insight into the strategies of the art market and contact with gallery owners and curators. At the same time, students practise presenting their own work and writing about it in order to lay the foundations for the most successful possible entry into freelance artistic work.

The Master's degree program in Sculptural Conceptions / Ceramic also offers graduates of a Bachelor's or Diploma degree program from another academy, college or university in the field of fine arts the opportunity to focus on new content in the field of sculptural-spatial work with ceramic and all other materials. The focus of the department's content lies in the fruitfulness of the material basis of artistic projects. The materiality makes artistic projects not only visually and haptically tangible, but also forms a bridge to an almost inexhaustible variety of associations, memories and sensations. Various forms of processing, which are tested and reflected upon during the course of the degree, also play an important role here.

In recent years, ceramic has become a much-discussed material in the visual arts. Just a few years ago, the roots of ceramics in design, arts and crafts and the field of hobby pottery were viewed very critically, denying it the opportunity to establish itself as a material of fine art. Today, the attitude has almost reversed. Precisely because ceramics has such a rich tradition and has an impact on so many areas of life, it has become a sought-after material for internationally renowned artists. The Master's degree program in Sculptural Concepts / Ceramic therefore offers an attractive range of courses for all those who want to use ceramic materials within their artistic approach. The spectrum of use ranges from an innovative-experimental approach to the appropriation of traditional ceramic techniques in order to realize artistic projects with reference to a specific tradition.


Das Masterstudium Plastische Konzeptionen / Keramik kann entweder in deutscher oder englischer Sprache absolviert werden. Für das Studium in Deutsch sind keine Deutschkenntnisse bei der Zulassung erforderlich, jedoch muss innerhalb des ersten Studienjahres ein Nachweis über die Deutschkenntnisse auf dem Niveau B1 erbracht werden. Für die Einschreibung in den englischsprachigen Studienzweig ist ein Nachweis über die Englischkenntnisse auf dem Niveau B2 bereits vor Studienbeginn erforderlich.


Univ.-Prof. Dipl.des. Frank Louis


Petra Sturz
T: +43 (0)732 7898 2317
M: +43 (0)676 84 7898 317

University of Arts Linz 
Department of Sculptural Conceptions / Ceramic 
Domgasse 1
4020 Linz | Austria

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Frank Louis