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9. März bis 8. Juli 2018 Musée d´Art Contemporain, Lyon

Mignonneau und Sommerer, Leitungsteam von Interface Cultures, beteiligen sich mit einer Neufassung der Installation "IntroAct" an einer Ausstellung.

A selection of artworks from the Museum of Contemporary Art
collection: from painting to digital, or vice versa.

From the body to the digital, from the sheet of paper to graffiti, from musical instruments to silence, from botany to film loops or algorithms, these are just some examples of the eclectic nature of this collection and its content, a collection that has cultivated diversity in an attempt to foster the curiosity.

Artists: Arman, Ed Atkins, Olivier Beer, Hicham Berrada, Jean-Pierre, Bertrand, James Lee Byars, Alan Charlton, Ian Cheng, Alex Da Corte, Marina De Caro, Marc Desgrandchamps, ErrÓ, Daniel Firman, Flynt/Basquiat, Anna Halprin, Richard, Hamilton, Swetlana Heger et Plamen Dejanov, Kolkoz, Laura Lamiel, Alvin Lucier, Steve McQueen, Marlène Mocquet, Melik Ohanian, Martial Raysse, Terry Riley, Alexander Schellow, Christa Sommerer & Laurent Mignonneau, Hiroshi Sugimoto, Xavier Veilhan et Rémy Zaugg.


"IntroAct" © CNAP Laurent Mignonneau & Christa Sommerer, 1995