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Digital practices of contemporary art

DO, 8. Mai 2014, 11.15 Uhr IC Lecture Room, Kollegiumgasse 2, 3. OG

Gastvortrag von Dominique Moulon im Rahmen der Interface Cultures Invited Lecture Series.

Digital technologies have insinuated themselves into all spheres, public, private and professional of our societies and have also shaped them. Historically, artists have always made use of the techniques and technologies of their time to show them off. For each innovation that has been appropriated, there are corresponding works, but it takes time for the art world to incorporate new practices such as new media. The most fervent defenders of digital art are impatient and so have structured communities by organizing dedicated international events. Their practices are now reaching maturity and the public is culturally ready to receive their creations, as they already do in festivals. We note, at the same time, the first signs of acceptance of digital technology in art through institutions such as the art market, whose dominant position is known. The purpose of my research is to study the works of current practices without focusing on the part of them that is digital; to analyse them in the context of their exhibition by assembling them together so they may create a dialogue. My goal is to demonstrate that digital technologies are simply a medium of contemporary art, whose particularities should nevertheless be considered.

Dominique Moulon
studied visual art at the Fine Art School (ENSA) of Bourges and holds a Master's Degree in aesthetics, science and technology from the University of Paris 8. Member of the Observatory of Digital Worlds in Humanities (OMNSH), the International Association of Art Critics (AICA) and founder of MediaArtDesign.net , he also writes articles for artpress, digitalmcd and The Seen. He is the Artistic Director of the media art fair Show Off Paris. Dominique Moulon teaches new media at ECV (Ecole de Communication Visuelle) and EPSAA (Ecole Professionnelle Supérieure d’Arts Graphiques et d’Architecture). He has also been a regular guest professor at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago (SAIC), the National School of Fine Arts (ENSBA) in Paris, The Fresnoy and the University of Paris 8. His book Contemporary New Media Art was published in French by Nouvelles Editions Scala in 2011 and in English as an electronic book in 2013. He is currently doing research at the laboratory Art & Flux (CNRS) of the University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne while preparing his next book on the relationship between art, technology and society.
