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Interface Cultures at Ars Electronica `08 - Art on the Move

[Translate to English:] Interface Culture at Ars Electronica Festival 2008 in the Schirmmacher
Linz, Thursday 4th to Tuesday 9th September 2008
Daily open from 10.00 – 19.00
Opening September, 4th, 15.30
Christa Sommerer, Laurent Mignonneau, Dietmar Offenhuber, Michaela Ortner

This year’s presentation of the Interface Cultures master and doctoral student projects focuses on aspects of mobility and performative interactions in public spaces. As interface technology starts to intrude more and more in our daily lives1 it has also become easier to handle for apprentices. Students are now free to experiment with do-it-yourself style interaction design and increasingly bring artistic and experimental content to it without being entangled in too many technological issues. Wearable interfaces, as we have already presented them in the past two years of Ars Electronica 2,3, have now been combined with more performative and environmental interactions and the aspect of gaming has been enhanced. After consuming a variety of guest lectures and courses during the past years4 students are also increasingly interested in investigating the value of information and its cultural implication. They anecdotically deal with social behavior in public space by creatively analyzing the multitude of social signals. As interface technologies rapidly develop and seamlessly merge into our daily products and commodities, artists and creators must remain critical and investigate and question their societal and creative implications as well as issues of control and agency.

IC at Ars 2008.pdf

more about the student-project under "works"