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21. April 2015, 14.00 Uhr Interface Culture Lecture Room, Kollegiumgasse 2, 3.OG


Interface Cultures lädt im Rahmen der IC Lectures Series zum Vortrag von Robert Pfaller.

Interpassivity was discovered 1996 at the Linz Kunstuniversity. The new concept allowed to understand a variety of phenomena that concerned delegated consumption: When people let TV-SitComs laugh in their place; when they record TV programs in order to never watch them; when they download articles in order to never read them; when religious people let machines pray in their place; when people try to make other people drink their beer - then we have to do with interpassivity.
The lecture will briefly explain the consequences for art and aesthetic theory that stem from this discovery; it will present a few of the theoretical offsprings that have developed since 1996; and it will explore a few of interpassivity's contemporary phenomena - such as those involved in so-called "cultural capitalism".

Robert Pfaller
is professor of cultural theory at the University of Art and Industrial Design Linz, Austria. Founding member of the Viennese psychoanalytic research group “stuzzicadenti”.
2007 he was awarded “The Missing Link” price for connecting psychoanalysis with other scientific disciplines, by Psychoanalytisches Seminar Zurich - for the German edition of his book "The Pleasure Principle in Culture: Illusions Without Owners" ("Die Illusionen der anderen. Ueber das Lustprinzip in der Kultur“. Frankfurt/Main: Suhrkamp, 2002).
His Publications include:
- 2014 The Pleasure Principle in Culture: Illusions without Owners. London/New York: Verso
- 2012 Zweite Welten und andere Lebenselixiere. Frankfurt/M.: Fischer
- 2011 Wofür es sich zu leben lohnt. Elemente materialistischer Philosophie, Frankfurt/M.: Fischer
- 2008a Das schmutzige Heilige und die reine Vernunft. Symptome der Gegenwartskultur. Frankfurt/M.: Fischer
- 2008b Die Ästhetik der Interpassivität. Hamburg: philo fine arts
- 2005 (Ed.): Stop That Comedy! On the Subtle Hegemony of the Tragic in Our Culture, Vienna: Sonderzahl (in English and German)
- 2002 Die Illusionen der anderen. Über das Lustprinzip in der Kultur, Frankfurt: Suhrkamp
- 2000 (Ed.): Interpassivität. Studien über delegiertes Genießen, Wien/ New York: Springer  

Buch zum Thema des Vortrages