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RELOGIA_trialogues: edition 01

24. bis 26. November 2017 Sofia, Bulgarien

Klimentina Milenova, Studierende bei Interface Cultures, hält im Rahmen des Symposiums den Vortrag “Culture in need of Interface".

Klimentina Milenova was taking part of Relogia Trialogues –multi disciplines symposium, combing topics of art, science and technologies. There she had a talk - “Culture in need of Interface” where she also present the program and activities of Interface Cultures department and the University of Art and Design Linz.

Organized by Art & Science Research foundation "Re:", Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski", Center for Economic Strategies and Competitiveness, Athlon, Semantic-Interactive.
Partners are: Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, National Academy of Arts, Memory of Mankind, University of Art and Design Linz .

RELOGIA_Trialogues is realized with the kind support of the Austrian Embassy – Sofia.
Full event information can be found at:

Art & Science Research Foundation Re:
builds a network between the different fields of knowledge. The result of its development is the introduction of two new concepts: trialogues - communication between Art, Science and Technology and the different fields of knowledge. The result of its development is the introduction of two new concepts: trialogues - communication between Art, Science and Technology.

RELOGIA – Definition: RE- from Renaissance - revival of the potential for complementarity of the art, science and technology disciplines; -LOGIA concept, science.
