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Schnittstelle x 14

27. Jänner 2014, 18.30 Uhr Hörsaal Grafikdesign, Reindlstr. 4. OG

Vortrag von Philippe Rekacewicz "Visualisierung & Demografie" im Rahmen der Reihe Schnittstelle x

Born in 1960 Philippe Rekacewicz has a dual citizenship, french and american. He is geographer, cartographer and journalist. In 1988 after the completion of his studies in geography at the "Paris Sorbonne University" he became a permanent collaborator of the international newspaper "Le Monde diplomatique" in Paris (today 70 editions in more than 30 languages). From 1996 to 2007 he was also leading the cartographic unit of a relocated office of UNEP (United Nations Environment Programme) in Norway (UNEP/GRID-Arendal).

He follows particularly issues such as demography, refugees and displaced persons, migration and statelessness, geopolitics and geostrategy, war and conflicts as well as social territories, public and private space. Philippe Rekacewicz also works on a number of other projects which bring together cartography, art and politics. He
especially is studying how communities, political or economical powers produce cartographic visions of the territories they operate in and how they can manipulate and lie with maps.

He taught at the University of Bologna (Italy) in the department of historical studies and geography from 2006 to 2009. Since 1988 he published more than 2000 original thematic maps, 15 atlases and an array of articles which reflect research and vision of cartography and on how to represent the world. He also often participates to exhibits linking cartography to art in Europe.




Am Di, 28.01 und Mi, 29.01.2014 von 9.00 bis 18.00 Uhr findet ein Workshop mit Philippe Rekacewicz zu den Themen Datenvisualisierung und Informationsdesign im Hörsaal Grafikdesign statt. Weitere Informationen dazu unter: gdf.info@ufg.ac.at
