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Speculum Artium 2020

15 bis 17. Oktober 2020 Trbovlje, Slowenien

Die Interface Cultures Studierenden Indiara di Benedetto und Mario Romera nehmen mit ihren Arbeiten am Festival teil.

We are happy to announce that the cooperation between Interface Cultures and Speculum Artium Festival (Slovenia) will continue this year with the participation of two of our 2 students and their wonderful projects:

Indiara di Benedetto “Portrait of a Generative Memory”. Installation and Performance
Project Keywords: Memory, Interpretation, Face Memory, Portrait, Mnemonic Device
How does a person interpret and remember a human face? How can these memories and related emotions be communicated? As an attempt to remember individual faces while dealing with large amounts of pictures, Portrait of a Generative Memory focuses on the subjective interpretation of personal memories by collecting information about the elements that people are able to memorize about a human face. The project is centered on the relationship between observation and imagination: observation, as the method used to internalize reality through our intellect, emotions and experience; imagination, as a personal and individual interpretation of a given experience and influenced by the thinking patterns of the individual. Independent from any precise logical elaboration, it processes the content of a sensory experience. The elements of the human face that a person can remember are combined and interpreted to generate a new series of abstract and unrepeatable portraits. 

Mario Romera “Proof of Consensus”. Installation and Workshop
Project Keywords: Decision-making, Collaborative, Machine Learning, Social, Politics
POC (Proof of Consensus) is a web application meant to facilitate decision making processes within groups. It offers the space and time to rethink how consensus mechanisms work. Within this art project, participants will find a combination of technologies such as Peer to Peer (P2P) protocols, Natural Language Processing (NLP) and distributed computing algorithms (Scuttlebutt, pseudo-PAXOS) joint with data visualization techniques (Text vectorization), design thinking (reverse engineering companies strategies) and methodologies from social movements. Proof of consensus is a “stalker” into the world of politics, technology, art and society. Following the echoes of social movements, it digs into machine strategies and techniques, researching new ecosystems in which humans can learn to understand each other and form consensus. 

More information about the festival and the rest fo the programme through this link:

Indiara di Benedetto “Portrait of a Generative Memory”.

Mario Romera “Proof of Consensus”