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Nathan Guo
Interactive Installation, 2015
Interface Cultures 

That is, information is a measure of one's freedom of choice when one selects a message.                         Shannon & Weaver  

Wanderlust is an interactive installation which utilizes the digital dartboard system as an agent of Google Map navigator. The user can get to certain geo-locations step by step according to the relative board positions of thrown darts. Meanwhile the routes are collected and the familiar directional guidance is translated spatially into rhythmic acoustics. The computing queries therefore creates an innovative way to explore the geographical territory with trans-spatial experience.  

The underscore in Wanderlust can be replaced by "a", "i", "o" or "u" to formulate multiple layers of perceptions and understandings.  

Wanderlust intend to explore the interrelational attributes of communication such as uncertainty, anticipatory, predictability, capacity and redundancy. This playable interface approach supports a cyber-nomadic lifestyle but also to some extend acts as irony to the excessive use of technology in digital culture.

Exhibition at: IC at ars electronica 2015, Linz, Austria

"Wanderlust" © Nathan Guo
"Wanderlust" © Nathan Guo