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Photosynthetic Me

Vanessa Vozzo, Andrea Macchia, Vincenzo Guarnieri

"Photosynthetic Me" © Vanessa Vozzo, Andrea Macchia, Vincenzo Guarnieri, Installation, Documentary, 2020

Bio-Art, Genetic Art, Visual Arts, VR, Immersiveness

Photosynthetic me emerges from a process-based experiment, in which I am the test subject, around the idea of becoming plant-like. This is based on scientific studies of the photosynthetic qualities of the Elysia chlorotica slug. The aim is my evolution, whereby I try to activate a photosynthetic system that can make me self-sufficient for food and energy requirements. The artwork explores the limits among science, fiction, art and life, displaying video and text documentation. It’s also an installation that actively involves the visitor. Photosynthetic me is part of a personal path started a few years ago when I tested positive for the risk of two genetic mutations: breast cancer (BRCA1) and thrombosis (MTHFR). So, I decided to inquire into the debate around innovative techniques in Genetics. What if we could replace the diseased parts of our DNA? What if we can swap genes with other species becoming like leaves? Is this natural? Can I evolve in my imperfection? Is it possible to be perfect?

Production: Alessia Gervasone

Thanks to: Mara Brancaccio and her laboratory for the scientific support and Andrea Ballo for the images during the Covid-19 quarantine.

Vanessa Vozzo
is a media artist, teacher and researcher interested in the areas of transition between real and virtual, science and fiction, art and life. She has been working in the field of interactive/cross-media documentary for many years and she is involved in the art and science field. She is also a professor in interactive art and immersive cinema at Politecnico di Torino (IT) and Albertina Art Academy of Turin (IT) and in interactive and VR documentary at Civica Scuola di Cinema “Luchino Visconti” in Milan (IT). She leads Project Work at the University of Turin (IT) since 2007. She founded the collaborative new media art platform Officine Sintetiche and she’s attending the Interface Cultures Master Program in Linz (AT).


Andrea Macchia
is a professional freelance photographer. He graduated with a degree in psychology and is passionate about coding and webmastery. He works mostly in the fields of performing arts and portraits. For more than 20 years he has been working on the idea of narratives through stage photography, following the artists during their productions and collaborating with many international festivals. His work has been exhibited in festivals and art galleries around the world.

Interface Cultures Exhibition - Ars Electronica Festival 2020

Vincenzo Guarnieri
ph.D. in Biochemistry and Molecular Biotechnology. He works in science communication through an interdisciplinary approach. Founder of the collective Frame – Divagazioni Scientifiche of Turin (Italy). Member of IRIS (Interdisciplinary Research Institute on Sustainability), University of Turin, Brescia and Valle d’Aosta. He interacts with artists in order to explore new ways to actively and critically engage people with science and technology.

"Photosynthetic Me" © Vanessa Vozzo, Andrea Macchia, Vincenzo Guarnieri , Installation, Documentary, 2020
"Photosynthetic Me" © Vanessa Vozzo, Andrea Macchia, Vincenzo Guarnieri , Installation, Documentary, 2020
Vanessa Vozzo

Installation, Documentary, 2020
Interface Cultures