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The LostMedia Project

Alessia Fallica

SetteVoci (The LostMedia Project); Foto © Emma Silvana Tripaldi

Text-to-Video Stable Diffusion Generation Model, CRT TV, Media Player

“Sette Voci”, (Seven Voices) by Alessia Fallica delves into the intriguing world of lost media, invoking nostalgia and prompting reflection on the collective and individual memories associated with audiovisual experiences. Lost media in fact whether damaged, missing, or simply forgotten, holds a unique place in our cultural consciousness, evoking memories of late-night TV shows, obscure cartoons, and mysterious movies.
Through the utilization of text-to-video AI models and video editing techniques, the project seeks to re-create and re-produce these elusive pieces of media, drawing inspiration from documented descriptions and mnemonic recollections shared by audiences in online communities, reconnecting to the past and embracing the richness of collective memory.

"SetteVoci (The LostMedia Project)" wurde im Rahmen der Ausstellung “Cross-sections. Sediments of a near past” am OPEN DAY 2024 der Kunstuniversität Linz gezeigt

Ausstellungsanündigung/ Newsartikel

Inteaktive Performance, 2024
Interface Cultures