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Networking Visit

13. März 2023

Am 13. März 2023 besuchte eine Studierendengruppe unserer langjährigen Erasmus Partneruniversität in Italien, Accademia di Belle Arti – Palermo, vom Masterprogramm Digital Animation mit Professor Luca Pulvirenti (zugleich Head of International Relations and Erasmus Mobility) die Studienrichtung time-based and interactive media arts. Prof. Joachim Smetschka hieß alle herzlich willkommen, ein sehr reger Austausch fand statt.

On 13 March, 2023, a group of students from our long-standing Erasmus partner university in Italy, Accademia di Belle Arti - Palermo from the Master's programme Digital Animation with Professor Luca Pulvirenti (who is also Head of International Relations and Erasmus Mobility) visited the time-based and interactive media arts department. Prof. Joachim Smetschka gave them a warm welcome and a very lively exchange took place.

© Regina Dicketmüller