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Paper Positions Berlin 2019

25. bis 28.4.2019 Valerie von Meiss, the Curve, Tucholskystrasse 33, 10117 Berlin

Ausstellungsbeteiligung von Karin Fisslthaler

During the Berlin Gallery Weekend, 48 international galleries will present outstanding artistic positions on drawing and the medium of paper in the impressive atrium of Telekom Hauptstadtrepraesentanz, near the centrally located Gendarmenmarkt.

paper positions berlin wants this special genre to be focused on. The galleries and their artists are given a presentation opportunity, which is dedicated to the medium of paper with all its specific features, its fragility and its enormous versatility.

the Curve will participate at this year‘s Paper Positions Berlin 2019 from 25 - 28 April (during gallery weekend) exhibiting artworks by Karin Fisslthaler & Milen Till.



Double Take, 2015 by Karin Fisslthaler (Ausschnitt)