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MAGICAL THINKING. Hanna Kanto & Melanie Ludwig

Eröffnung: 13.11.2024, 19.00 Uhr; zu sehen bis 29.11.2024 Atelierhaus Salzamt, Obere Donaulände 15, Linz

two artists on a video chat.
two artists talking about life, love and finger food.
smell the color, feel the clay.
what is real is real, like a rose is a rose is a rose.
what is real is the play, as we play
alongside each other.
what is real is the space in between,
a sea of possibilities,
a door to the other side.
dip in, or enter alongside with me.
two artists trying to make a point, to hit the nail,
two (wanna be) witches and a broken canvas.

Sonntagskonzert: 24. November 2024, 19.00 Uhr
YASUMI, Psychedelic Dada Pop Band mit local artist Sophie Adelt
