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Taylor Levy

10. November 2022, 17.30 bis 18.30 Uhr ONLINE

Die Abteilung Design & Technik lädt zum Online-Vortrag von Taylor Levy ein.

Webex Meeting-Link: kuni-linz.webex.com/kuni-linz
Meeting-Kennnummer: 2734 561 3868
Passwort: XZcFqsMm268

Die in Brooklyn, New York lebende Künstlerin und Designerin Taylor Levy wird einen Vortrag in englischer Sprache halten, der Einblick über Ihre künstlerischer Praxis und ihre Arbeit im Studio CW&T gibt.

Taylor Levy [she/her] is an artist & designer with a penchant for taking things apart, understanding how they work, and putting them back together in a way that exposes their inner workings. The results take on a variety of forms from low-tech electronic sculpture to high-tech software & other executions. Along with her partner Che-Wei Wang, Levy is one half the art + design studio CW&T. She is an alumna of MIT Media Lab, ITP at NYU, and Vassar College. And teaches at the School for Poetic Computation and NYU. CW&T are the 2022 recipients of the Cooper Hewitt National Design award in the Product Design category.



Fotos: © Flora Hanitijo