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Co-Creativity: theoretical basis alongside practical Case Studies.

20. November 2024, 12.30 bis 14.00 Uhr Kunstuniversität Linz, Domgasse 1, Lecture Room

Gastvortrag von Martina Pace bei Interface Cultures.

This talk will briefly illustrate the key points of my PhD Project, which aims to propose a philosophical framework to the possibility of co-creation within the contemporary artistic practices. Technology is deeply-rooted in the environment we dwell in and questioning it, exploring risks, limits and possibilities is becoming more and more important. This is the first aim of my PhD Project: Visual Arts, mixed with philosophical questioning, are proposed as preferred point of view to lead reflections and to examine the new questions that come from the dual relationship between us and machines. Case Studies, chosen as well-representative of human-machine collaboration, are the best starting-point to help us comprehend this multi-faceted dialogue. 

Martina Pace