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Studio Brüll

26. November 2019, 19.00 Uhr Grand Garage, Tabakfabrik Linz

Das Labor für Kreative Robotik lädt zum Gastvortrag von Studio Brüll.

The Institute of Space and Design at UfG Linz has invited David Brüll for a guest lecture. David is an interaction and media system designer working across disciplines. His studio creates narratives and new ways of storytelling by utilizing state of the art technology. The work ranges from interactive environments and site-specific media installations to mixed reality stages. Human machine interaction, software technologies, art and live experiences spaces are his interest and research area. At the studio he is responsible for the conceptual, creative and technical planning of their international projects for clients such as Mercedes Benz, Volkswagen or Viessmann and for events such as the IAA or World Expo.

Plakat zum Gastvortrag von Studio Brüll, 2019