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Kitchen Talk No.7

31. Mai 2023, 18.00 Uhr Kunstuniversität Linz, Hauptplatz 6, 1.OG, Küche

raum&designstrategien lädt immer Mittwoch abends Künstler*innen ein, aus ihrer künstlerischen Praxis zu erzählen. Es wird gemeinsam gekocht und gegessen, Projekte werden gezeigt und Studierende, Lehrende und Gastvortragende und -kochende diskutieren, was eine zukünftige Praxis für Raumstrateg*innen sein könnte.

Diese Woche zu Gast:


Oona Valarie Serbest

OONA VALARIE SERBEST is a Linz-based artist, cultural activist, and executive director of FIFTITU%, a networking agency dedicated to networking and supporting women* in art and culture. She is the founder of newsbase.at, a database that promotes art and culture in Austria and the initiator of Feminismus und Krawall, a queer-feminist alliance that advocates for women* rights through performative actions in public spaces. As chair of the Cultural Advisory Board of the City of Linz, Serbest works to incorporate intersectional perspectives into the agendas of the board.
Together we venture into the dense jungle of art and cultural funding. Here you will get an overview of the many different types of funding in Austria, from project funding to competitions and grants to studio subsidies in theory and practice...
Where can I submit my application? What should my application look like? What is a cost/time schedule? What do I have to consider with the different funding agencies? You are welcome to bring your own questions on the topic.

Oona Valarie Serbest; Foto © Violetta Wakolbinger