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Antrittsvorlesung Giulia Mazzorin, Lorenzo Romito and Andrea Curtoni

20. Juni 2023, 18.00 Uhr Kunstuniversität Linz, Hauptplatz 6, 5. OG, Hörsaal C

Antrittsvorlesung der Universitäts Professor*innen Giulia Mazzorin PhD, Lorenzo Romito MA und Andrea Curtoni PhD. Sie leiten zusammen mit Univ. Prof. Dr. DI Sabine Pollak die Abteilung raum&designstrategien.

Begrüßung und einleitende Worte: Rektorin Brigitte Hütter
Antrittsvorlesung Get together & Umtrunk

Act 4 Change
space and design strategies coming from Rome (Stalker) and Venice (BiennaleUrbana) How can we decolonize our mindset from
violence and oppression, from illegitimate privileges, from the quiescent social and environmental acceptance of injustice?
Art and architecture today has to question the present, explore its creative margins, inhabit its conflicts, taking care of the rejected, welcoming the possible, assembling the future.
Art today needs to forge new politics, new ecologies, new relationships with science and society responding to emerging social and environmental questions, create the forms and the languages we need for a better comprehension of the shift we’re living in.
We need to bring art back to a need, share it with those who need it and transform it into something needed. It is about the fine art of re-inhabiting the planet ...

Andrea Curtoni
Architect, PhD in Urbanism at the IUAV University of Venice. His research has focused on insurgent practices and the re-appropriation of urban spaces. Coordinator in different urban regeneration projects in Venice: Teatro Marinoni (2012-17), Esperienza Pepe (2016-19), Corte de l’Ogio (2022-). Co-founder of Biennale Urbana (2014-) and Mutaforma (2022-).

Giulia Mazzorin
Architect, artist and PhD in Urbanism at IUAV University of Venice. Her practice focus on complex projects in between art and architecture. Coordinator in different urban regeneration projects: Teatro Marinoni (2012-17), Esperienza Pepe (2016-19), AltopianoCommunityHub (2021-), Corte de l’Ogio (2022-). Co-founder of Biennale Urbana (2014-) and Mutaforma (2022-).

Lorenzo Romito
Architect, artist, activist. Prix de Rome Architecte at Académie de France, Villa Medici, Rome (2000-01). Co-founder of Stalker (1995), Osservatorio Nomade (2002), Primaveraromana (2009), Biennale Urbana (2014), NoWorking
(2016). Next visiting professor to the Cattedra de Sanctis, ETH Zurich 2024.
