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SCHNUPPERTAG 2022 Achtung Terminänderung!!!!

Am Donnerstag, 23 Juni findet unser Schnuppertag statt.  (ACHTUNG: Termin wurde krankheitsbedingt geändert!).                                    

Von 9.00 – 12.00 Uhr heißen wir euch in der KuKi Kiste herzlich willkommen!

Ihr findet uns im 4. Obergeschoss (per Lift oder Stufen erreichbar) am Kunstuni Standort Domgasse. Folgt einfach der grünen KuKi-Eule und ihren Spuren.

Um unsere Kleinen nicht mit zu vielen Besucher_innen zu überfordern und aufgrund der Hygiene- und Schutzbestimmungen, kann sich maximal 1 Schnupperkind mit 1 Begleitperson in der KuKi Kiste (bzw. bei Schönwetter auf der Terrasse 2 Kinder mit je 1 Begleitperson) aufhalten und wir möchten euch bitten, euren Besuch auf 20-30 Minuten zu beschränken. Während des Aufenthalts in den Räumen der KuKi Kiste ist von erwachsenen Personen eine FFP2-Maske zu tragen.
Gerne könnt ihr euch vorab bei uns anmelden um Wartezeiten zu verringern.

Wir freuen uns auf euch!

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On Thursday, 23 June, our taster day will take place.

From 9.00 - 12.00 we welcome you to the KuKi Kiste!

You will find us on the 4th floor (accessible by lift or steps) at the Kunstuni location Domgasse. Just follow the green KuKi owl and its tracks.

Due to hygiene and protection regulations, a maximum of 1 taster child and 1 accompanying person can stay in the KuKi Kiste and we would like to ask you to limit your visit to 20-30 minutes. Adults must wear an  FFP2 mask  while in the KuKi Kiste rooms. In good weather, we will move the taster day to the terrace (on the 3rd floor), but even then we would like to limit the maximum number of visitors to 2 taster children with 1 accompanying person each for 20-30 minutes, so as not to overtax our little ones with too many visitors at once.In order to reduce waiting times, you are welcome to register with us in advance and let us know at what time (always on the hour or half hour) you would like to come.

We look forward to seeing you!



"On Thursday, 23 June, our taster day will take place. From 9.00 - 12.00 we welcome you to the KuKi Kiste! You will find us on the 4th floor (accessible by lift or steps) at the Kunstuni location Domgasse. Just follow the green KuKi owl and its tracks.
Due to hygiene and protection regulations, a maximum of 1 taster child and 1 accompanying person can stay in the KuKi Kiste and we would like to ask you to limit your visit to 20-30 minutes. Adults must wear an FFP2 mask while in the KuKi Kiste rooms.
In good weather, we will move the taster day to the terrace (on the 3rd floor), but even then we would like to limit the maximum number of visitors to 2 taster children with 1 accompanying person each for 20-30 minutes, so as not to overtax our little ones with too many visitors at once.
In order to reduce waiting times, you are welcome to register with us in advance and let us know at what time (always on the hour or half hour) you would like to come.
We look forward to seeing you!”