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Eröffnung: 5.Okt.2016, 18.00 Uhr; Ausstellung bis: 20.Okt.2016 Galerieraum / EG, Domgasse 1, Linz

Begleitausstellung zum Symposium „Media Art and the Art Market“ von Interface Cultures

Öffnungszeiten: MO bis FR: 14.00 bis 18.00 Uhr

Projekte von Studierenden der Studienrichtung Interface Cultures:
César Escudero Andaluz Tapebook
Stefan Tiefengraber Analog Delay
Martín Nadal Death of Things
Mario Romera Gomez und Klimentina Milenova Dradoc
Irene Ródenas und Julia Nüßlein Green Filter
Mihaela Kavdanska Hacking Meditation
Idil Kizoglu That way
Alessio Chierico The Best of 360 (Man with a Movie Camera)
Ivan Petkov Time Based Ghosts

Infos zu allen ausgestellten Arbeiten auf:


interface.ufg.ac.at/media art and the art market

The value is an aspect which is strictly bound to art, but it is also irrespective of the endless definitions of art itself. It seems to be the unique objective and common thread that is able to relate the experiences that span through creative forms of: realism, techno-fetichism, conceptualism, expressionism, situationism, and all the possible directions of art. Any authorial subject, within the limits of its influence, can confer value to the products of any practice, legitimizing their artistic status. A value, as any other kind of quality, is the response of an objective view, placed between subjective parameters. Historical economic principles associated value to the utility of the objects, to their exchangeability, and finally to constructed needs. A movement toward an absolute abstraction, that in one side, push any economical form in the hands of financial bets. In the other side, determines the triumph of services as major commodities. Art is not immune to this process, and it is probably one of the most explanatory subjects of the volatility of value, and its ungraspable fluctuations. However art is fulfilled of so many expectations, energies, mythologies, which any kind of evaluation is not able to acknowledge. Where should we allocate the values of the materials compound of an art object? How to objectively evaluate the referentiality of an art context? Which is the right price for the time employed for art? How to calculate the cost of the efforts, and the expenses of passion? How much would you pay for aesthetic or intellectual stimuli? There is no form of value that is able to satisfy the purposes of art and their beautiful complexity. For this reason, even if economical circumstances are able to determine value, the reason of artistic practice will always be priceless.