Ivan Petkov
Video Installation, 2015
Interface Cultures
Geometric and organic shapes seem to emerge from irregularly blinking and randomly distributed points in a moving picture. However, this illusion instantly breaks as soon as the video is paused - the shapes disappear mysteriously. This leads to a singular situation, where objects are only visible in a moving picture but impossible to catch on a still image.
Geometrische und organische Formen scheinen aus unregelmässig blinkendem und zufällig verteiltem Bildrauschen eines bewegten Bildes zu entstehen. Diese Illusion bricht allerdings sobald man das Video stoppt - die Formen verschwinden spurlos. Das führt zu einer singulären Situation, in der Objekte nur im laufenden Film wahrgenommen werden, jedoch nicht in dessen Standbilder.
Exhibition at: IC at ars electronica 2015, Linz, Austria