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Art Supply III

9. bis 23. Juli 2011 Barry Room, Taipei Artist Village

Ricardo Nascimento, Interface Cultures Absolvent, zeigt seine Arbeit "Pinyin".

There are four different nationalities and views of artists in Art Supply III. They are Rohan Wealleans (Asia New Zealand Exchange Program), Ricardo O'Nascimento (Brazil), Alan Eglinton (England) and Ella Barclay (Australia Asialink Exchange Program), who provide view points from outside of Taiwan.

is a performance where a dancer wear an interactive dress and explore the sound and music of the Taiwanese Aboriginal Communities. Pinyin means spelled sound in chinese.
The interactive dress has embedded 7 touch sensors and 4 speakers. When the wearer touches the sensible points a music from an specific aboriginal community is broadcasted on the speakers. When two points are touched at the same time the sounds are mixed, as if the communities sing together.
