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Crisis, precariousness, and unsustainability.

5. Dezember 2022, 17.00 bis 18.30 Uhr Kunstuniversität Linz, Domgasse 1, DO0327

Some questions about new media art from a peripherical point of view

Interface Cultures lädt zum Gastvortrag von Luis D. Rivero Moreno.

The XXIst century seems to be a never-ending crisis age. The problems are not getting tackled but increasing: violence, energy, climate, inequality… all of them affecting the art world, of course. In this respect, the new media environment is probably the most vulnerable realm amongst all the creative ones: supported by new technologies, it is suffering from obsolescence, speed, mutability, unsteadiness… That’s why some authors have talked about a period characterized by the aesthetics of error or by the poverty of images. We live in the panic of watching everything fade away before our very eyes.

The current situation leads us to an increase in the unbalanced distribution of art, creativity, and the value and profits related to them. Culture appears to be swallowed up by the economy. Financial and global terms marked the cultural debate, avoiding local particularities and a more nuanced reflection. Art workers seem to be more precarious than ever. Artworks are in constant danger of loss.

From a peripherical point of view, far away from tech hubs and the cities where economic and cultural decisions are taken, one thing could be said: new media art is standing on the edge. Detached from social issues, out of the museums and the streets. It is entangled in its own debate while used as an asset. Who is going to take care of it? And why?

The arrival of an expected blockchain phase of the internet and the visual culture is opening more debate and confusion, increasing the feeling of living on the wire. From enthusiasm to fear, feelings are conflicting. Is it really the blockchain a platform where art might be produced, distributed, and preserved? At the moment, transactions and speculation, not art, are the items hung on the chain.

Luis D. Rivero Moreno
Lecturer - University of León (Spain)
Visiting researcher - Universidade Nova de Lisboa (Portugal)
ERASMUS+ Programme
December 2022

PhD in Art History, University of Granada (Spain).

Art historian, professor and researcher with more than ten years of professional experience. He has worked in varied areas related to education, arts and culture, mainly in public institutions (European Commission, University of Granada, Extremadura Regional Government, among others)

As a researcher, his main aims are enclosed in the realm of contemporary art and its relations with wide aspects of culture and society at the present: digital humanities, new technologies, heritage and innovation, museums, and gender. He has given lectures and talks at congresses, conferences, and seminars, and published a large number of articles and papers at national and international levels.

He has done professional and academic stays in Brussels, Berlin, and Lisbon. Collaborator in online universities like UNED and UOC in Spain. He is member of research groups at the University of Granada and León; member of different research networks such as EuropeanaPro. He has been member of the task force of the European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018; and he has worked as well on different research projects, featuring the European Commission H2020 Rock Project. Regeneration and Optimization of Cultural heritage in creative and Knowledge cities.




Luis D. Rivero Moreno