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Cultures of Change - Changing Cultures

December 11th 2009 to Feburay 28th 2010 ArtsSantaMonica in Barcelona, Spain

Christa Sommerer and Laurent Mignonneau, lecturers at Interface Cultures are presenting their interactive work "Life Writer" at the exhibition ArtsSantaMonica in Barcelona.

Cultures of Change proposes to study social and cultural dynamics from a radically multidisciplinary perspective. The new technologies in the realms of Artificial Intelligence or the  Internet and other digital communication tools have made it possible to  visualize, monitor and quantify aspects of our society and culture in  ways that were all but unimaginable until very recently. At the same  time, the Theory of Complex Systems, which seeks to explain this whole  phenomenon in terms of the hardest sciences, is regarded by some as  playing a very significant part in this research.
The exhibition aims to open up discussion about multidisciplinary practice and the problems bearing on communication between closed disciplines in the study of cultural and social communities.

Curator: Josep Perello & Pau Alsina

Artists: Sommerer&Mignonneau, Usman Hague, Luc Steels, James Crutchfield, et al.
