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czech-argentina days

11. bis 14. November 2010 Buenos Aires

M77 will present the selection of czech and slovak videoart and audiovisual creation in the framework of czech-argentina days in Buenos Aires. Fresh Czech Videoart is a part of eGolem (electronic – golems), an european project supporting usage of new technologies, media and cybernetics. The main partner of the project is CIANT – International Center of Arts and New Technologies. Works and presentations of authors will be displayed in Cultural Center San Martín, Buenos Aires.


Lenka Klimešová
Found Footage
, Found Footage Site Specific Archive Theatre Performance Art, 2009, 6’42s
An architecture found footage story. An old amphitheatre. Many analogue films. An irrecoverable ideology. The person explores the found footage and makes the site-specific actions in the specific area. Person tries to find a new meaning and maybe revives an old meaning. Person expresses spontaneous emotions produced by the found things.
Bio: Lenka is a multimedia artist exhibiting both on the domestic scene and internationally. She works mainly with video, photography and performance. She was awarded the Prix Ars Electronica 2009 Honorary Mention in the Interactive Arts category.

Found Footage © Lenka Klimešová