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Sonntag, 18. September 2011, 17.00 Uhr Österr. Kulturforum in New York

Konzert von Martin Kaltenbrunner, Univ.Professor für Visual Information Interfaces in der Studienrichtung Interface Cultures, beim MOVING SOUNDS FESTIVAL.

Mit dem Reactable wurde ein neuartiges Genre von Musikinstrumenten mitbegründet, welches neben der eigentlichen Klangerzeugung auch das gegenständliche und vor allem visuelle Interface in den Vordergrund rückt und damit Akustik, Visualisierung und Haptik zu einer synästhetischen Einheit

The Reactable is one of the most innovative electronic musical instruments of the last decade. It combines the capabilities of classic modular synthesizers and digital sound processing with an intuitive tangible user interface. Electronic music becomes both clearly visible and physically graspable for performer and audience alike, creating a truly synaesthetic experience. The instrument has become internationally popular since the Icelandic singer Björk began using the device on-stage during her last world tours. Today the Reactable is also available commercially together with its latest mobile counterpart for handheld touchscreen devices.
One of the Reactable’s inventors, Austrian scientist Martin Kaltenbrunner, will present and perform on the original instrument together with New York based resident handheld musician Peter Kirn, who will perform with the Reactable Mobile.


Martin Kaltenbrunner is co-founder of Reactable Systems and one of the inventors of the original Reactable. As an interaction designer he has been mainly responsible for the tangible interface concepts behind the instrument, and has been performing on the Reactable since its first public presentation in 2005. Since then his work has been shown at several major international media art and music festivals, and was also awarded with the Golden Nica for Digital Music at the Ars Electronica Festival in 2008. His influential research on tangible interface tools has been employed for the realization of numerous artistic and scientific projects in this area. Kaltenbrunner is currently a Professor at the Interface Culture Lab at the University of Art and Industrial Design in Linz, Austria.

