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IC invited lecture series

20. Oktober 2009, 11.00 bis 13.00 h Interface Culture Lab, Sonnensteinstraße 11-13, 2. OG

Katja Kwastek spicht zum Thema “I am an interactive artist – I create experiences”.

An introduction to the history and theory of interactivity and interactive art

'Interactivity' has become virtually a magic word for the promotion of new media and the media arts alike. The term refers not only to a certain technology, It also stands for social concepts and visions ranging from grassroots democracy all the way to consumer freedom. This imbues the term with its broad-ranging impact, but also contributes to its dilution.

The scholarly analysis of works and projects commonly referred to as interactive art calls for methods that do justice to its hybrid character. Various strategies for interactivity with regard to the relationship between work and effect must be examined and an adequate vocabulary developed to describe them. This lecture will examine exemplary works in order to study the respective significance of interactivity in the overall context of aesthetic, content-related and formal strategies. At the same time, a theoretical framework will be developed to describe fundamental elements of an aesthetic of interaction in digital art.
