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Inter Facing Time

29. November 2011, 11.00 Uhr Interface Culture Lecture Room, Kollegiumgasse 2

Gastvortrag von Hofstetter Kurt zum Thema "Inter Facing Time".

Hofstetter Kurt will talk about his global art project Sunpendulum and its parallel interactive project fACING tIME complementary to the basics of Parallelism and Circulation.

SUNPENDULUM www.sunpendulum.at

- a continuous circulation of light and shade – day and night – in parallels:

In 12 time zones around the earth videocameras are directed towards the sky and connected online to the InterNet. 12 videocameras – time-eyes – around the earth watch the sky  – INPLUSION. At a certain place on earth 12 screens are setup in a circle within a pavilion. Those screens are connected online via the Internet with the 12 time-eyes and transmit the sunlight from the 12 time zones – EXPLOSION. A sunclock is being created. With the rotation of earth, that means over time, the sunlight is moving within the circle of the screens. In the inner circle day and night can be experienced in parallels at the same time.

Complementary to Sunpendulum INPLUSION the fACING tIME project is setting up a network of sky clocks for interactive access to all the Sunpendulum Time-Eyes around the earth.

The sky as the medium for the light of the sun - the time - as well as the rotation of the earth is artistically used to create the state of ubiquitous time with reference to the timeless space.

Hofstetter Kurt ‑ born in 1959, Linz/AT. Artist, living and working in Vienna.
Artistic domains: concepts, music compositions, mathematical reflections, experimental video art, light‑,  time‑ and InterNet‑sculptures, computer‑, video‑ and media art‑installations, tilings & patterns.
Since 1998 opto‑acoustic synaesthetic video works using Möbius‑sounds  and video‑feedback‑materials in cooperation with Barbara Doser (PARALLEL MEDIA).

Permanent installations in public space (selection):
in Vienna:
Since 1993 "planet of the commuters with the 3 time‑moons" at rail & sub station Landstraße ‑ Vienna Middle.
Since 2009 "N.I.C. ‑‑ nature is cool" at crossways Langegasse ‑‑ Laudongasse.
From 1994‑2009 "one moment of time" at Vienna South station,
from 2009 on at ZKM ‑‑ Karlsruhe.
Sunpendulum Time‑Eyes @ Marshall‑ Islands, Tokyo, Kolkata, Hong Kong, Dubai, Azores, Ensenada, New Orleans, Cairo, Granada, Bermuda, Hawaii

Exhibitions (selection):
2010 Gallery Konzett ‑ Vienna
2009 Détournement Venise/La Biennale di  Venezia
2008 Biennial of Seville, 2007 TENT Witte de With Museum  Rotterdam
2006 ZKM ‑‑ Museum of Contemporary Art/Karlsruhe
2005 Trien‑nale India/New Delhi

Participation at international festivals
for film, video and new media as well as screenings in more than 40 countries


© Hofstetter Kurt

© Hofstetter Kurt