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Interface Cultures invited lecture series

22. Jänner 2009, 15.00 Uhr Interface Culture Lab, Sonnensteinstrasse 11-13, 2. Stock

January 22nd 2009 15.00-16.30 PM
Interface Culture Lab, Sonnensteinstrasse 11-13, 2. floor
Lecturer: Dr. Barbara U. Schmidt, researcher at the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute
Title: „Systems of Media Art Presentation“

Intermedialization and hybridization are some of the effects of the application of digital media in artistic parties. Thus art projects consist of multi-, trans- and interdisciplinary operations; they establish methodical and formal relations to other epistemological systems like natural science, engineering, economy. Artists go beyond traditional distinctions and differences and thus do not confirm existing limits of social and cultural systems.
Barbara Schmidt, researcher at the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute, is giving her second guestlecture at Interface Culture on January the 22nd.
In her first lecture she put the focus on the institutional structures of museums: their concepts of art, of its social status, their curatorial practices, the structures, rules and mechanisms which have an influence on presentation and reception.
In her second guestlecture she will continue to analyse systematically the aesthetic qualities and basic concepts of computer- or net-based art and the specific forms of presentation they require. Barbara Schmidt will also reflect the concept of media art presentation in the new Ars Electronica Center. So please visit the new museum if you have not been there already. She also wants to reflect and analyse your works with the focus on presenting those in an exhibition.



  • Studium der Kunstgeschichte und Literaturwissenschaft in Bonn und München
  • 1995-1999 Assistentin der Frauenbeauftragten und Dozentin an der Akademie der Bildenden Künste München
  • Seit 1995 außerdem tätig als Kuratorin (Ausstellungen, Multimediaprojekte, Tagungen, Filmveranstaltungen) u.a. Kunstraum München und Künstlerwerkstatt Lothringer Straße, München
  • 2003-2005 Assistentin am Institut für Medien/ Medientheorie der Kunstuniversität Linz und Leiterin des Forschungsprojekts »Neue Medienbilder« gefördert vom österreichischen Bundesministerium für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Kultur.
  • Seit 2005 wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am Ludwig Boltzmann Institut Medien.Kunst.Forschung. in Linz