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Interface – a musical situation

15. Nov. 2011, 13.00 bis 15.00 Uhr Kollegiumgasse 2, 4020 Linz

Music – a role model for dynamized digital virtualities

Gastvortrag von Prof. Werner Jauk.

Science and media art have a common interest – to get knowledge about „reality“. Perception, body-emvironment-interaction, is a methode and medium of re-constructing environment. The effect of the extension of the interaction on the body and on the environment is to be observed.
At least technological developments brought up two crucial changes: Dynamization of environment and its creation by codes. This changed the role of the body in the body-environment-inetraction The mechanistic body became „useless“, more and more the hedonistic body becomes its alternative in interacting with dynamic digital virtualities.
This transgression of the mechnaistic paradigm  leaves the world of seeing and its formalization in the fine-arts. This is where music,a dynamic coded virtuality structured by hedonistic interaction, comes in.
Music formalizes the dynamic existence of sound by analyzing a series of psychological moments which are by themselves without any information and uses codes/notation to store its fluide existence. The „Werk“ may be considered being a dynamic virtuality made of codes and organized by the hedonistic value of sound: tension : relaxation.
This makes music a role model for dynamized digital virtualities.
The hedonistic value of the interaction is based on sound being part of a communication system, music is its mediatization. It becomes a paradigm of an interface as an intuitive communicative interaction generating virtualities by hedonistic meanings.
Despite information processing in cybernetic systems this psycholgocial musical situation, being a mediated „instrumentarization“ of im-mediate bodily expression  which is performed in the hedonistic playing of the electric guitar, is discussed on the basis of theories and data from science and art as a paradigm of wo-man-wo-man-interfaces in collective and collectivating communication arts and net arts as well as wo-man-machine-interfaces. Sound (its existence in time and space) serves as an immersive part in this process: physically and psychologically.

Werner Jauk, , Ao. Univ.-Prof. Priv.-Doz. Dr.
born 1953/Austria
Musicologist/media-artist working in cybernetics, music-cognition, music-sociology/-anthropology, (music-) technology, media-arts. Head of “pop / music + media / art” at the dept. of musicology / university of Graz (A)
Phd in experimental osychology (cybernetics and information theory/experimental aesthetics), post graduate studies at the Institut de Recherche et Coordination Acoustique/Musique (IRCAM) of the Center G. Pompidou/Paris, habilitation in systematic musicology (the musicalization of everyday-life in digital culture).
Experimental methods and computersimulation led him to try bridging a gap between science and art; he took part in various international congresses of science and the arts; as a scientific artist he works on interactive compositions and permanent installations in the public space and net-art-projects. His scientific studies as well as media-art-projects reflect the interaction of the body in virtuality created by the extension of the body – they explore the auditory logic formalized in (pop-)music as an interface to virtual and mixed realities in everyday-life. There are several scientific papers on these topics and partizipations on festivals of (media-) art (e.g. Ars Electronica, Klangturm St. Pölten / TimeBasedArtsHull/GB / Styrian Autumn / Biennale di Venezia)


Werner Jauk