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Zeitbasierte und Interaktive Medien © Ars Electronica Festival 2017

7. bis 11. September 2017 Postcity, Linz, Keller

Studierende der Zeitbasierten und Interaktiven Medien präsentieren ihre Arbeiten im Rahmen des Festivals.

Marlene Reischl "All of us"
Interactive Installation
"All of Us" explores the aesthetics of scars to highlight their visual aspects and exhibit something that is usually not on display. Aside from the visible wound, scars are also constant reminders of injuries and events. Macro videos of scars varying in sizes and severities are taken from their hidden spots and projected at large scale. Tracked by a camera system, visitors can use their hands to influence the shown footage: by letting your hand rest anywhere on your body, footage from this area is shown. This relation between the feel of a physical touch and what is seen on the screen creates an intimate experience for the viewer. "All of Us" is an ongoing project, anyone interested can contact allofus@marlenereischl.com to make their scars part of the installation. Thank You: Matthias Zauner, Michael Seidl, Gerhard Funk, Katharina Pichler, Hannah Winkelbauer, Daniela Waser and all the people getting semi-naked in front of the camera.

Marlene Reischl "Field"

Light Installation
“Field” is a light installation combining fluorescent tubes and Tesla coils. It utilizes the coils’ high voltage fields to illuminate surrounding tubes without the use of physical power connections. As the coils wander across the sculpture their electrical fields activate the tubes nearby, stimulating the trapped gas to create gently flowing movements of light. The lack of wiring and the seemingly organic animation of the light induce a surreal, eerie scenery. Adapting a basic principle of physics, the installation becomes self-contained and is given a new level of artistic integrity that creates an uncanny, poetic situation.

Thomas Schwarz "Wachstropf"
Die Lichtinstallation Wachstropf beschäftigt sich mit digitaler Reproduktion zufällig entstehender natürlicher Stalaktiten. Ident ausgeführte Handlungen führen zu unterschiedlichen Ergebnisse und ergeben in ihrer Unberechenbarkeit stets neue Formen und Gebilde. Die Vergänglichkeit von Materialien offenbart sich auf der Ebenen des Sehen, Riechen und Hörens.

Öffnungszeiten: täglich von 11.00 bis 21.00 Uhr (Montag 11.00 - 19.00 Uhr)

"Wachstropf" © Thomas Schwarz

"All of us" © Marlene Reischl