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Studies International Issues > helplines health and emergency

Helplines Health and emergencies


Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs link
Available 24/7 in an emergency: +43 1 90115 4411

Service abroad link


IN Austria

Emergency numbers in Austria link

  • Euro emergency number 112
  • Fire department 122
  • Police emergency number 133
  • Rescue service 144
  • Medical emergency 141
  • Mountain rescue 140
  • Poison control center +43 1 406 43 43

Deaf and hearing-impaired persons can contact the police (112 and 133) with a "text-based emergency call" (DEC112). 
For further emergency numbers see link

Women's helpline against violence Austria link
Online women's counseling Upper Austria link
Help in case of violence - emergency institutions in Linz link

Emergency call for men link

Health hotline Upper Austria: 1450
Round-the-clock health advice link

AUVA Accident Hospital Linz link

Dental Emergency Service Center Linz
at the AUVA Accident Hospital 
Pain and emergency patients are treated outside the opening hours of their dentist. Details at link

Psychological student counseling 
Psychological support for students at all universities and universities of applied sciences. It helps students to cope with study-related and personal problems. Counseling services are free of charge and confidential, anonymously if desired.

Krisenhilfe Oberösterreich
Sorgentelefon +43 732 2177
Online crisis counseling at krisenhilfeooe.at

Hochschulseelsorge der Katholischen Hochschulgemeinde link
Hochschulseelsorge der Evangelischen Hochschulgemeinde link


At the University of Arts Linz

Ombuds office for students:
kunstuni-linz Ombuds Office

ÖH Student Union of the University of Arts Linz link

Working Group for Equal Treatment AKG link

Contact point for people with special needs link

update 24.1.2024