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Critical Data Narration and Visualization – Animation Anomalies

16. Dezember 2020, 10.15 bis 11.45 Uhr ONLINE via Microsoft Teams

Interface Cultures Invited Lectures Series on Critical Data mit Jürgen Hagler

Meeting link: teams.microsoft.com
For connectivity problems, please contact davide.bevilacqua@ufg.at

Animation has become a pervasive element in contemporary moving image culture and in our daily lives. Moving pictures created with computer technology constitute a very diverse spectrum, ranging from animated cartoons to scientific visualizations, and are products of highly interdisciplinary collaborative activities of individuals from the worlds of industry, research, art, and science. New technologies have constantly expanded the forms of animation and have been the trigger for experimental pathways within animation. In the context of art, various subversive strategies for dealing with technology and data in the service of animation can be seen, which can be described as a kind of anomaly. In this presentation, I will distinguish different types of animation anomalies, ranging from deconstruction, self-critical reflection, to critical data narration and visualization.

Dr. Jürgen Hagler is an academic researcher and curator working at the interface of animation, game and media art. He studied art education, experimental visual design and cultural studies at the University for Art and Design in Linz, Austria. Currently, he is a Professor for Computer Animation and Media Studies in the Digital Media department at the Hagenberg Campus of the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria. He became the academic coordinator for the Digital Arts master’s degree programme in 2009. Since 2014 he is the co-head of the research group Playful Interactive Environments with a focus on the investigation of new and natural playful forms of interaction and the use of playful mechanisms to encourage specific behavioral patterns. He has been involved in the activities of Ars Electronica since 1997 in a series of different functions. Since 2017 he is the director of the Ars Electronica Animation Festival and initiator and organizer of the symposium Expanded Animation.

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