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Critical Triggers

16. Jänner bis 15. Februar 2019 AKSIOMA, Institute for Contemporary Art Ljubljana, Slovenia

Studierende von Interface Cultures beteiligen sich an Ausstellung und Workshops.

A collaboration between The Academy of Fine Arts and Design of the University of Ljubljana and Kunstuniversität Linz.
César Escudero Andaluz and Martín Nadal show several of their projects like "Interfight" (2015), BITTERCOIN (2016), "Bitcoin of things" (2016) and "Tapebook" (2014).
Furthermore César Escudero Andaluz and Martín Nadal offer two workshops:
Mascha Illch, Benjamin Olsen (Interface Cultures Student) and Julia del Rio (Interface Cultures Student) are taking part in the workshop and their projects will be also shown in the exhibtion. The workshop will take place with a presentation of the final results at AKSIOMA.

César Escudero Andaluz is an artist and researcher focused on Human-Computer Interaction, interface criticism, digital culture and its social and political effects. His work spans image-making, sculpture, videogame, installation, networked culture, IoT, robotics, media archaeology. Since 2011, he is a researcher at the Kunstuniversität Linz in the Interface Culture LAB.

Martín Nadal is an artist/developer based in Linz and studying Interface Cultures at the Kunstuniversität Linz. In recent years, he has collaborated in a variety of projects dealing with cryptocurrencies, blockchain, IoT, etc., and taught several art- and technology-related workshops.
