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How are you, my digital friend?

6. bis 10. September 2023 Kunstuniversität Linz, Hauptplatz 6, Atrium Ost

Univ. Assoc.Prof. DI (FH) Marianne Lechner, PhD präsentiert ihre Arbeit im Rahmen des Ars Festivals

Imagine it’s 2040, and we live together in a collaborative network of diverse digital entities. This scenario proposes diverse entities as part of our social life – they are embodied, social, and emotional. How are you, my digital friend?  is a speculative design intervention, that reconfigures the use of emotions in design practice and explores the implications of using emotions as a socio-technical entanglement in interaction design. The visual prototype, which uses ‘emotional matter’, enables a visceral atmospheric communication between things and people in a more-than-human world.

concept & design: Marianne Lechner, programming: Katharina Mayrhofer, photo: Sarah Pührerfellner

© Sarah Pührerfellner