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Matei Brancoveanu Award

Interface Cultures Studentin Mihaela Kavdanska wurde mit dem "Matei Brancoveanu Award" ausgezeichnet.

Mihaela Kavdanska was awarded with "Matei Brancoveanu" Award for achievements in the field of Visuals Arts in 2015. The independent jury decided after reviewing her projects realized during this year in Austria, Romania and United States. One of the projects "Coded Intimacy" is a collaboration with another Interface Culture student, Nathan Guo, and was awarded previously at the Crossing Europe Festival'15. For the projects created in collaboration with Inlet Dance Theater from Cleveland, Mihaela Kavdanska was partially supported with the Ausland Stipendium by Kunstuniversität Linz.

Arbeiten von Mihaela Kavdanska:


"Matei Brancoveanu" awards are initiated and funded by Alexandrion Foundation, to support young & established artists for playing significant role in the Romanian art & culture, developing and showcasing projects in Romania and abroad.



Mihaela Kavdanska