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Auszeichnung für "Yokai", Viktor Weichselbaumer und Micheal Wieser, Studierende der Zeitbasierten und Interaktiven Medien für ihr Projekt "Re-Think Manufacturing".

Unter 78 eingereichten Projekten sind Yokai in der Kategorie "from 2D to 3D" unter den 10 ausgezeichneten Preisträgern.

10 innovative concepts, which will change fashion
International Jury awarded 10 ARTISTS to re-think fashion together with scientists

The EU-funded project Re-FREAM were looking for outstanding concepts to three research challenges: from analog to connected, from 2D to 3D and from linear to sustainable circular systems. The ten awarded amazing artists will work together with scientists on their concepts to re-define fashion and will be professionally support in three hubs (Linz, Valencia and Berlin) as part of a co-creation process. 

from 2D to 3D (HUB Linz)
A 3D-based design process for the development of garments with a robotic based additive manufacturing method by Michael Wieser (Yokai Team) Bringing clothing production back to Europe is made possible through the creation of a new digital based process for local customization and garment production: by developing completely new methods for fashion design, like a whole 3D process that spans from 3D design, flattening, 3D seams to 3D presentations, the yokai team focuses on the production part, where there is still a huge lack of innovation. Our long term goal is to build a robot based automated manufacturing system, which enables the production of customised clothes.



Yokai-Team, Foto © Mario Riener