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24. Oktober 2012, 18.30 Uhr Hörsaal Grafikdesign, Reindlstr. 4. OG

Vortrag von Luc Gross "Hybrids & Books & Augmented Reality" von Traumawien im Rahmen der Vortragsreihe "SCHNITTSTELLE x 6".

Traumawien ist ein Projekt, welches das Internet in seiner ganzen
Zeichenhaftigkeit als Literatur wahrnimmt und so nach neuen Formen der
Narration sucht. Das Spektrum umfasst Netztexte, Sprachalgorithmik,
Interfictions, Hyperfictions, Chatprotokolle,Visual Prosa etc. welche
Traumawien durch die Manifestation im Buchdruck in der Realwelt

TRAUMAWIEN, Books Powered By Language As Material

In 1984 Peter Bürger was still able to make the claim that “because the
advent of photography makes possible the precise mechanical reproduction
of reality, the mimetic function of the fine arts withers. But the
limits of this explanatory model become clear when one calls to mind
that it cannot be transferred to literature. For in literature, there is
no technical innovation that could have produced an effect comparable to
that of photography in the fine arts.”
Since internet, there is - and text itself becomes active. Mechanisms
which have been shaping image culture for the past century, finally
become relevant in how we treat the textual ecosystem, too. Let's learn
from each other.
TRAUMAWIEN has been working on the cut surfaces of conceptual writing,
digital literature, hybrid-publishing, augmented reality since 2010.