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SHOW OFF LAB’ Edition 2012

Eröffnung: 16. Oktober 2012, Ausstellung bis 21. Oktober 2012 Paris, Frankreich

C. Sommerer und L. Mignonneau, Leitungsteam von Interface Cultures, nehmen an der Ausstellung teil.

Since 2 years, Show Off Lab’ provides an occasion to create specifics events, which are in parallel of the FIAC art fair and explore the diversity of contemporary creation. Engaged in favor of the emergence of young creation, this year SHOW OFF will concentrate on digital art and new artistic practices which ensue from it.

Beteiligte KünstlerInnen
Christa Sommerer & Laurent Mignonneau, Reynald Drouhin, Miguel Chevalier, France Cadet, Julie Morel, Stéfane Perraud

Kurator: Dominique Moulon
